Vidwan-ID : 249690

  • Mr Rajendra Nath Dutt

  • Engineer
  • Amity University, Noida
Publications 2018 - 2018


  • 1
    Journal Articles

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Automation and Control Systems

I am working with Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi. I am working for automation of superconducting LINAC facility. My regular areas of automation are RF amplitude / phase controls, automation of cryogenic systems. I have also worked for development of automated material testing systems.

Personal Information

Mr Rajendra Nath Dutt

Inter University Acceleraor Centre Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, New Delhi, Delhi, India
, Delhi, India - 110067


  • Engineer

    Electronics and Communication Engg

    Amity University, Noida


  • M.Tech (Persuing)

    Amity University, NOIDA

Honours and Awards


Isamu Abe Prize for Particle Accelerator Controls.

Personal Computer and Particle Accelerator Controls - 2012, VECC, Kolkata, INDIA.


Isamu Abe Prize for Particle Accelerator Controls.

Personal Computer and Particle Accelerator Controls - 2012, VECC, Kolkata, INDIA.

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